Pastor's Portal

Looking Towards Reopening

Rev. David Schmidt

May 1, 2020

When are we going to start church back up? That is a question I have been getting a lot lately, and it is one that I have been wondering myself. To be honest, I didn’t think we would be out this long when this whole shutdown started, but here we are.

I think the prudent thing to do is to await guidance from the state and local governments on when it would be safe. According to a new report from April 22, Governor Hutchinson will make an announcement on May 4 regarding the opening of places of worship and lager venues. So, we will have to wait for that announcement.

Whenever we do open, I think it’s important for us to consider what worship will look like. I don’t anticipate everyone being back at once and having everything just the way it was before this all happened. I imagine some will not feel comfortable leaving their homes. It will likely be prudent for those who are most at risk to remain home. I am looking into ways that we can keep the Facebook live-stream option for worship and Zoom for the Sunday bible classes for those who choose to stay home. For those who come to worship, we will likely still have to maintain social distancing practices. I will be in conversation with the elders about all the changes to the worship services that would be necessary.

With all of the uncertainty, one thing is certain, we are God’s people wherever he places us. I look forward to the day when he places us together in fellowship and when we can gather together around His word and sacraments to receive his gift of forgiveness.

I will keep you updated via Facebook, the website, and email as more information becomes available. Stay tuned.