Santuary Remodel


Help support our goal of remodeling the sanctuary. Click to Donate, and simply type in the desired donation amount in the "Worship Space Remodel" fund.


Project Overview

In March 2021, our congegation voted to begin work on a remodeling project for our sanctuary. This is immense undertaking, made possible by the generosity of our congregation and outside support. We are ever so grateful for every volunteer's time, every generous donation, and every bit of prayer and support to make this possible. As we continue through this journey as a congregation and community, continue to check in here for the latest updates and news on the project.

How Can You Help?

  • Volunteer: Whether you want to do demolition, hang drywall, clean, paint, or even help coordinate, there are many opportunities to help. Simply reach out to Jenny Stegemoller for scheduling.
  • Donate: Donations can be made via the donations link above, or they can be dropped in the offering plate during church. Make sure to note on your offering that it is for the Santuary Remodel Fund.
  • Prayer and Support: Go to God in prayer to support us. Give a warm word of encouragement to those volunteering their time and energy. Tell others about what we are doing.

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